Minggu, 10 Mei 2020

Allusion Mutiara X3


1. Charlie Puth ''One Call Away''

    He uses the line ''i'll be there to save the day/Superman's got nothing on me'' an allusion to underscore the commitment level the speaker has for the other person.

2. The person who is ''one call away'' is saying that they are very near, and readily available to the    caller. Not only is the person suggesting they are very near, but that they are capable of doing great things, comparing themselves to Superman (which is definetly a hyperbole). As for using the saying, ''got nothing on me,'' it's not something we would use often, but is still commonly understood to mean that ''i'm just as good at them,'' or ''they are not any better than me at such and such''

3. a) Mythological in poetry ''Paradise Lost by John Milton''
        : “All night the dread less Angel unpursued
            Through Heaven’s wide Champaign held his way; till Morn,
            Waked by the circling Hours, with rosy hand
            Unbarred the gates of Light. There is a cave
            Within the Mount of God, fast by his Throne”
  b) Biblical allusion in ''story of good samaritan, from luke 10:29-37
      : I didn't have any bus fare, but fortunately some good samaritan helped me out!

  c) Literary allusion in '' Dante alighieri,the inferno''
      : Ach mouth holds a sinner head locked inside, he flails his legs ( Dante Alighieri, The inferno)

  d) Pop Culture Allusion in ''Mallrats (1995)''
       : When willam calls Rene (Shannon Dorherty) Brenda referencing her character Brenda wals   from 902010